Air-Assisted Flares

Tornado's air-assisted flare stacks are designed to eliminate smoke emissions when combusting heavy hydrocarbons.

Smoke emissions are the result of inefficient combustion of the waste gas producing unburnt hydrocarbon particles, often caused by an insufficient fuel/oxygen content ratio. Smoke emissions may violate local or national clean air regulations, or they may trigger landowner complaints.

Tornado's air-assisted flares will prevent smoke emissions by ensuring a highly efficient combustion process. The design of an air-assisted flare uses forced air supplied by means of a blower installed at the base of the flare. The air mixes the waste gas at the flare tip, increasing energy and guaranteeing an adequate fuel/oxygen ratio sufficient for full and complete combustion.

Above: Air Assist Mechanism "Off"  |  Below: Air Assist Mechanism "On"
Above: Air Assist Mechanism "Off"
Below: Air Assist Mechanism "On"